Organization: Center for Resource & System Management
Registration deadline: 25 Oct 2016
Starting date: 04 Nov 2016
Ending date: 06 Nov 2016
Introduction: Community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) is a range of disaster preparedness, mitigation and response activities that are developed by members of a vulnerable community, based on their needs, capacities and perceptions of risk.
In this training course, the trainer will introduce and practice the DRM tools and technique within the context of Nepal earthquake. Best practical models and tools will be presented, explored and implemented.
Training Contents:
Community–based DRM: The process
- What is CBDRM
- Vulnerability, hazard and capacity linkage in CBDRM
- Community–based Organizations and Community–based DRM
- Principles of Community Mobilization
- Community Mobilization Approaches
- Impact Examples
- How to build trust with community
- Communication with community
- Implementing Community Mobilization Plan
Assessment for CBDRM
- Why the assessment for CBDRM?
- What is the principle of assessment?
- Who should be involved in the process?
- What to be produced during assessment?
Planning & Implementation for CBDRM
- Why CBDRM planning?
- What ensures that the CBDRM plan is undertaken?
- Content of a CBDRM plan
- Implementing the plan
Duration & Venue: November 04 to 06, 2016 (Friday to Sunday) Kathmandu – Nepal
Registration Deadline: October 25, 2016
How to register:
In-House Training: CRSM also offers this training for your organization as an in-house event. This will be cost effective and customized for your organizations’ specific needs. To discuss this, please contact CRSM representative at +92-51-222 4860 or mail to
How to be registered? Please download the registration form from the link below and send its soft copy Our correspondent will contact you for further processing. By submitting the registration form, you are agreeing to CRSM's Cancellation Policy
For Further Information, Please Contact:
Center for Resource & System Management
Phone: +92(51) 222 4860 OR +92 (321) 556 5072
E mail: